««»» Click Here To DownLoaD (VirusScript 2000) ««»»
VirusScript 2000 ) ( HeLp )--
- [Protections] |
- Nuke Protection (Finds/Kicks/Bans tHe Nuker on
ChanneLs [NukeNabber]) - Ctcp Flood Protection (ChanneL / SeLf) - Text Flood Protection (ChanneL / SeLf) - RepeaT FlooD Protection (ChanneL) - Long TexT Flood Protection (ChanneL) - Notice Flood Protection (ChanneL / SeLf) - Nick Flood Protection (ChanneL) - Mass Kick/Ban/Op/Deop/Join Protection (ChanneL) - Password Protection - NutBus & Bo Trojan Protection - Virus Protection [Script.ini DmSetup.exe] |
- [General Stuff] |
- IRC BoT - ShiTList - Protect List - Auto Op/Voice List - Seen Service - FileServer - LaGmeTeR - Nick Completor - AwaY SysteM - KickBaN Protection - GlobaL / Mass Stuff (Msg/Inv/Not/Ctcp) - AuTo Greet - mIRC MaiL - RRPaint v2.0 - TeLNeT - VirusScript Server List - Hour Alarm Clock - BoT Controls [K9,Chanserv,NickServ,MemoServ,X,W] - GaMeS [Hangman, Number Guess] - NetSpLit Detector - NetBus & Bo Trojan Detector - Wingate/Sock Detector - Sound Support - Kicks [FilTer / Mass / Random] - [WAR] (Nukes/Floods/TakeOvers/Desyncs/Mass)[OnLy Available iN [WAR] Version] - [VcLone v1.0 By Virus] - [VServer v1.0 By Virus] - [VNuKe v1.0 By Virus] |
- [ChanneL Stuff] |
- Swear Kick SysteM (Add/DeL/List Swear
Words) - Advertising Kicker - CaPs Kicker - CoLoR Kicker - ShuTuP Kick (User/Mass/Word Kick) - Op Protection - Topic Guard - Mode Guard - ServeR Op Protection - ServeR Mode Potection - Stats - Clone DetectoR - ISP Scan - IRCOp Scan - Games [HangMan / Number Guess] - Sound System - Sound Serv System - RRPaint (Paint with your friends) - Nick Completor |
- [ChanneL Stuff] |
- CooL Popups - Box/BigText/CooL Text/Random Color Text...etc - ASCII ArT ...etc |
- [Important Notice] |
- Needed Winsock
2.2 For Nuke Protection and Nuke Stuff Get it at - http://www.yasarozg.net/winsock/ |
««»» Click Here To DownLoaD (VirusScript 2000) ««»»
CopyRight Virus (c) 1999